Monday, June 30, 2014

And oh, by the way, those are (maybe) nuclear.

Nike Site SF-88, Creative Commons Credit License, edited.
While Bangor had Dow AFB and its collection of supersonic, unmanned, "nuclear capable" interceptors in the Bomarc Missile base adjacent to the site, Loring AFB had a collection of four Nike batteries in Caswell, Limestone, Caribou and Van Buren. Only Caswell and Caribou sites had the Hercules designation (this is important, for later...)

The Nike Hercules was a very capable surface to air, surface to surface and anti-missile weapon used by the US Air Force. Compared to the Bomarcs in Bangor, it had a smaller operational range (90mi as opposed to 260mi) but higher service ceiling (150,000' instead of 65,000 ft) and a speed of mach 3.6 instead of 2.5.

To put it in perspective, the Nike could fly from Bangor to Augusta in one minute and fifty seven seconds, but then it would run out of fuel.

Of course, the batteries of supersonic missiles surrounding Loring AFB weren't the site's only defense, as it deployed helicopter gunships during its 1975 UFO incident and was the garrison for the 27th Fighter Squadron and their F-106 Delta Darts between 1959-1971, and the 101st Fighter Squadron thereafter.

What makes Caswell and Caribou different? These were likely nuclear facilities, unbeknownst to their host communities. A declassified memo from the Commander In Chief of Continental Air Defense Command (CINCONAD) from the time of the Cuban Missile crisis reads as follows:

Rules of engagement for the Florida area prescribe the use of high explosive weapons only. In the event of an IL-28 raid from cuba which penetrates US Air Space, I consider it imperative to use weapons with a maximum kill capability. Ref a. and b. authorize CINCONAD to eimploy (sic) nuclear weapons in air defense within the sovereign boundaries of the us, its territories and possessions, and in the coastal adiz, subject only to currently approved rules for engagement.

Remember, rules of engagement specify high explosive warheads (read: conventional weapons as opposed to nuclear) for the Florida area only. The memo continues...

Request clarification of my authority to declare cuban/sino-soviet tactical aircraft 
"hostile" under ref c and to use nuclear weapons, both before and after cinclant oplan (??) 312-61 is implemented. Should a raid from Cuba penetrate the air defense identification zone or sovereign boundaries of the US, YOUR ATTENTION INVITED TO THE FACT THAT IN MOST LOCATIONS NIKE HERCULES UNITS HAVE NO REPEAT NO HE WARHEADS.
TL;DR - if sh*t hits the fan I'd like to indirectly remind you that if you ever fire these, you're going to spread radioactive fallout all over the region in which you're operating.

Here's a bird's eye view of one of the sites in Caribou. And an awesome exploration of a Nike site in Limestone over at

Nike Launch Site L-58, Caribou ME.

Memo courtesy of the Loring Reading Room.

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