Friday, August 29, 2014

USS Maine "1 Pounder" Gun | Milford

In the past, I've written about the abandoned WWII era airfield in Milford. Milford is also home to yet another 'attraction' of sorts, a relic from a different time raised from the bottom of Havana harbor: One out of the USS Maine's four Hotchkiss/Diggs-Schoreder 'One Pounder' light guns.

If you're unfamiliar with the USS Maine, let me give you the tl;dr (tl;dr is too long, didn't read in 'internet speak.')  Cubans revolted against the Spanish, and in 1898 we sent the Maine to protect our interests in the area. The ship exploded and sank. The official story is that five tons of gunpowder ignited, more or less obliterating the entire forward third of the vessel. That's the Navy's story. The vessel was recovered using some pretty impressive engineering skills and pieces of it are all over the country. 

One such piece of it is in Jordan Park, which is right off of Rt 2 in Milford.

You can see this gun (or some like it) in the photo(s) below, enlarged with sharpness/brightness adjusted.

Source from Imgur.

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